Information for Visitors

Information for Visitors to ISCS’s Masjid Al-Farooq

Visitors are welcome to visit the Islamic Society of Colorado Springs’ mosque to observe our weekly congregational (Jumah service) on Fridays.  The service is held at our mosque/masjid, Masjid Al-Farooq, located at 2125 N. Chestnut, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.
We have two services, the main service is from 12:30 pm till about 1:10 pm and the second service is from 1:30 pm till about 2:00 pm.

Individual Visitors: To ensure a comfortable and well-organized experience for all, we kindly request that you make a reservation in advance. Please click here to book your visit.

Group Visitors : To ensure a seamless and well-organized experience for all visitors, we kindly request that groups planning to visit our mosque kindly inform us in advance by sending an email to Please include details regarding your proposed date of visit, the purpose of your visit, any affiliation with a church or organization, and an approximate number of visitors. To avoid scheduling conflicts with other group visits, we kindly request that you await confirmation of your visit request. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

We kindly request that all visitors check in with our friendly volunteers at the front desk upon arrival. Please provide your name and contact information, and you will be given a name tag to wear during your visit. We encourage you to take a moment to familiarize yourself with our mosque’s etiquette guidelines, which are available for your reference. These guidelines ensure a respectful and harmonious environment for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask a volunteer for assistance. Regular visitors to our mosque are exempt from the check-in procedure. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a welcoming and respectful atmosphere for all.

During the worship service: During the prayer service, we kindly request that you maintain a respectful silence and refrain from unnecessary movement or conversations. Visitors are not obligated to participate in the prayer service. Please remain seated throughout the service. For the comfort and privacy of all worshippers, men and women have designated prayer areas.

Parking: We kindly request that you park your vehicle in the designated ISCS parking lot to avoid congestion and inconvenience to our neighbors. Please refrain from parking in front of residential driveways.

Seating: Visitors, men and women, will be seated in the visitors’ area, from where they can see and hear the service on the men’s side.  Visitors should arrive at least 10 minutes before the service begins, so they do not interrupt the service or cause a distraction.  Visitors are not required to remove their shoes when seated in the visitors’ area.



means submission to the will and commands of God.  It is also the name of the religion.


is a person who submits to God, one who follows the religion of Islam.


The Arabic name for the God of Abraham, the One True God

Allah is another Semitic name for God, like Elaha in Hebrew or Alaha in Aramaic.


The fulfillment of God’s blessing in the Book of Genesis to Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael, the prophet sent by God from the Arab descendants of Ishmael for all mankind.

Quran (or Koran)

The revelation from God to Prophet Muhammad, like the Torah revealed to Moses or the Gospel revealed to Jesus.  Parts of it are recited in worship and sermons.


A mosque or masjid is a place dedicated to the worship of God.


The weekly Friday congregational service for Muslims.


The formal worship for Muslims performed at prescribed times five times a day, preferably in congregation.




The Muslim call to prayer before Juma and the five daily Salat.
Dress: Men and women should be dressed modestly as appropriate for a place of worship.  Men may not be dressed in shorts, and women may not wear mini-skirts, shorts, tight clothes, or blouses that reveal cleavage.  Those dressed inappropriately for a place of worship may be asked to leave.

Behavior:  Visitors are required to be silent during the entire service, and may not talk or use cell phones during the sermon and congregation prayers.  Visitors may not enter the men’s or women’s prayer areas, or join in the congregational prayers, without permission of the officials of ISCS.

Handshake:  It is etiquette for men to not shake hands with women, so women should not be offended if Muslim men do not shake their hands, it is out of respect.

Information about Islam:  Visitors seeking more information about Islam should ask whoever is coordinating their visit to arrange for one of the more knowledgeable persons to speak to them before or after the service.

Literature, pamphlets, business:  It is not permitted to distribute literature or pamphlets of any type without permission of the officials of ISCS.  No business may be conducted on the premises.

Proselytizing: Some of the more knowledgeable members of the congregation will be glad to address questions of theology, but haranguing other members of the congregation will result in immediate expulsion, as will seeking their personal contact information.

Media: TV, radio and newspaper reporters and photographers must have express permission of the officials of ISCS to interview or photograph people, and must also have permission from people portrayed in photos or videos. 


The Friday (Juma) service


In order to understand the purpose and process of the service, it is recommended that visitors acquire some basic knowledge about Islamic beliefs and practices before attending the service.

Before the service

People will be performing short formal individual worship and then sitting down to read the Quran.


The service consists of a call to prayer (azaan), followed by two short sermons (khutba) , in Arabic and English, followed by a short formal worship (salat) in congregation.

After the service

Some people will be performing short formal individual worship while other will be standing around talking.